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Without dofus kamas and low-levels is a pretty-pretty low options than grow-up chars. The next I will introduce the level of importance in Dofus, and I hope it can help you more or less.
Your sac may be easier to raise. While we do not have any personal experience and Dofus Gold in Sacriers, they seem to be in majority independent, while also being very good team players. If you decide to raise this character first, you can then easily raise your Enutrof after. Again, buying sets or Buy Dofus Kamas for this character may be a bit more pricey than going the chance build way with your enu, but you may level a bit faster.
What is most important, though, is that you learn about the market. Find out which resources are hot, and which ones are not. Track whatever items and Cheap Dofus Kamas you are thinking about buying for your characters, find out if they are cheaper to buy, make, or even if you can drop them with the right team. Go on shopping trips around Bonta just to check prices of different items, and go on dungeon runs to drop and discover new treasures that you have never even seen. If you need, feel free to ask for advice on what set to buy for a certain build.
Many of the people you play with know a lot about the items you are buying either because they make them, or they have bought them for their characters as well. Selecting what to buy is dire. Our golden rule is to never throw away any resources, because you can always save them in your bank so that later you can sell them, make them into equipment, or give them away to friends to earn favors. This has helped us so much along the road of buying new sets, as well as developing friendships and relationships in our guild.